Friday, May 23, 2014

Get up close and personal with wild animals with your DSLR and a GoPro

Post by: Topaz Labs 
Photographer Will Burrard-Lucas takes pictures of wild animals up close, often only inches away from flesh-eating carnivores and poisonous reptiles alike.
You might be wondering how he is able to capture these wild animals on camera with such vivid and close-up perspectives, sans telephoto lens (while maintaining all four limbs).
One answer: The BeetleCam.

Read all about it and check out these insanely cool photos of wildlife from destinations all over the globe.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got into wildlife photography.
I am a professional wildlife photographer from the UK. I use innovation and technology to achieve fresh perspectives in my work. Back in 2009, I was unable to find products that would allow me to achieve my vision, so I started to develop my own devices for getting my camera close to potentially dangerous wild animals.
This lead to the creation of the BeetleCam, a remote control buggy for DSLR cameras back in 2009 in order to get close-up, wide-angle photographs of potentially dangerous wild animals. I have since launched a company, Camtraptions Ltd, to further develop remote and camera trap products for forward thinking, innovative photographers and filmmakers.

Read the complete story & see all the photos here:

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