Wednesday, May 7, 2014

When not to use LPCM Audio Format

What is LPCM?
Linear pulse code modulation (LPCM) is a method for digitally encoding uncompressed audio information, where audio waveforms are represented by a sequence of amplitude values from a sample on a linear scale in which the values are proportional to the amplitudes, as opposed to being the log of the amplitudes. This means that the values are linearly quantized, thus approximating a very large set of possible values with a relatively small set of values that may be integers or even discrete symbols. - From Techopedia
• LPCM is a higher-quality audio format
• It is now found on the Canon VIXIA line of cameras, it is also found on Canon & Sony Professional cameras.

• Only professional editing softwares such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut can recognize and play that format.
• Set your camera to 28 MBPS to be able to play back on your computer without the high-end editing
• Already filmed using this format? Download VLC Media Player. This will recognize the LPCM audio format.

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